Following the information about the collaboration of Gucci and adidas, the first photos of future joint sneakers of these brands began to appear. In particular, we are waiting for a collage based on the classic adidas Gazelle.
The Gucci x adidas Gazelle collection will include several color solutions of this model with the famous Gucci logo and prints. Also, these pairs will differ in materials: snakeskin, plain leather, suede and corduroy with G monograms. The design of these models will be complemented by a semi-transparent sole in retro style, as well as a combined GUCCI branding and a German vendor’s shamrock. Plus, the Gucci branding can be found on the lace-up eglets, and the sneakers themselves will be delivered in a special package.
Gucci x adidas Gazelle will be released later this year from selected retailers, as well as on websites and
Gucci x adidas Gazelle Release Date: 2022 Buy: Buy: